As our members know, Canada now has a Grocery Code of Conduct in place and the official start of the Code and industry adherence to its principles—will begin on June 1st.
Another milestone has been reached as we move forward to the June kickoff, with the hiring of Canada’s first Grocery Code President and Adjudicator by the Board of Directors of the Office of the Grocery Sector Code of Conduct (OGSCC)—of which CFIG is a member. Karen Proud will take up her new duties beginning on March 17th.
A copy of the new release that will be going out to the media today is attached for your information, which provides some detail about Karen Proud’s current and past positions, both in industry and government.
CFIG is also pleased that our country’s first Grocery Code Adjudicator will be attending Grocery & Specialty Food West (GSF) in Vancouver on April 14th—to introduce herself, outline some objectives in the months ahead and most importantly, taking time to meet industry stakeholders and answer questions.
CFIG congratulations Karen Proud on her appointment and we look forward to welcoming her at GSF and working with Karen Proud in the months and years ahead!View News Releases Below: ENGLISH
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