Independent Grocer of the Year Award

IGYA 2017




The Canadian Independent Grocer of the Year Awards (IGYA) is the celebrated recognition program organized by the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers. This is the most economic and efficient way to have your business evaluated to zone in on the areas needing improvement and address them effectively.


  1. The Canadian Independent Grocer of the Year program is open to members of the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers and Association des détaillants en alimentation du Québec.
  2. All participating stores must be open for business a minimum of one year as of October 2025.
  3. Stores entering the size or specialty category that have received a Gold Award are not eligible to win a National or Regional Award for three consecutive years.
  4. Previously participating stores that do not participate in any given year due to renovations will not be penalized in terms of continuity working towards their Achievement Awards.

Awards for the Independent Grocer of the Year Awards are handed out annually every fall in Toronto at the Grocery Innovations Canada conference & exhibition, the only grocery show in the industry.
Award of Merit

Recognizes the top scoring stores in the three store categories-small, medium and large (see below). Recipients are honoured at a reception at an annual grocery conference Grocery Innovations Canada in the fall.

Achievement Awards

Recognizes multiple Award of Merit winners:

GOLD-entry that has won three consecutive Awards of Merit (Lapel Pin)

DIAMOND-entry that has won six consecutive Awards of Merit (Lapel Pin)

PLATINUM-entry that has won ten consecutive Awards of Merit (Plaque)

Regional Awards

Highest scoring store from each of the store sizes (small, medium, large) are recognized regionally:

British Columbia/Yukon



Quebec/Atlantic Canada

National Awards (Gold, Silver and Bronze)

Highest scoring stores from each size (small, medium, large) are recognized.

Special Awards

David C. Parsons Award of Excellence in Specialty Food Retailing and other Specialty Awards

The specialty category includes any store that specialized in a specific range of merchandise and related items. Gold, silver and bronze awards are presented to the top scoring entries.

The Arnold Rands Heritage Award

The award is presented to the top scoring retailer that has operated a family business for at least two generations in the same community for at least 35 years.

Hall of Fame Award

Stores that have consistently demonstrated excellence are recognized.

To be eligible, a store must have won at least three Gold Awards or have received a Platinum Achievement Award and two Gold Awards.

Stores are categorized according to size (includes all space accessible to the consumer, and does not include offices, back room, freezers or any merchandising preparation or storage areas)

Small (up to 14,999 sq. ft.)

Medium (15,000 to 24,999 sq. ft.)

Large (25,000 sq. ft. or more)

Each store is evaluated by the program's Regional Juror on customer service, staff and department management, store layout, merchandising, creativity, cleanliness and community involvement.

Stores are evaluated based on the size category they have entered:

  • Small (up to 14,999 sq. ft.);
  • Medium (15,000 to 24,999 sq. ft.);
  • Large (25,000 sq. ft. or more).

Store size categories have been designed to allow an accurate and competitive assessment within size groups. Adjudicators can change the category entered at their discretion. Retailers will be notified of any change.

Upon submission of entry form, each store receives a copy of the evaluation form. This will assist retailers and staff with preparation for the upcoming store evaluation.

Participants receive a detailed store analysis and have the opportunity for a personal consultation with the Regional Juror. All decisions of the Regional Juror are final. Sponsoring participants of CFIG's Associate Members' Council administers the Awards Program.

Registration deadline EXTENDED: February 27, 2025

Complete Online Registration Form


Stores are categorized according to size (includes all space accessible to the consumer, and does not include offices, back room, freezers or any merchandising preparation or storage areas).

Store Size Entry fee
Small (up to 14,999 sq. ft.) $280+HST
Medium (15,000 to 24,999 sq. ft.) $330+HST
Large (25,000 sq. ft. or more) $380+HST


For more information, contact:

© 2024 Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers